No games are scheduled for today

Updated daily at 3PM

CCSoccer: Temporary hiatus based on COVID-19 community spread concerns

Due to the ongoing concerns of spreading COVID-19 the city has temporarily shut down all field/park use.  The initial timeline is through the end of March, but obviously this situation will require what it requires so it could be longer.  We'll be checking in with them so we can provide updates and let you know when games are back on.  The website game status will remain "Games Are Off" until we get confirmation and then we'll flip it and send out a notification.  For the duration of this shutdown we'll be crediting everyone's account each Friday starting this coming one.

Hopefully we get to play sooner than later, but obviously everyone's playing this as safe as possible.  After this season we'll have our break until the turf fields at Calpoly are available; keep your eyes out for a notification when registration starts.

-CCSoccer | |

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Notify Everybody: 
Include Referees: 
Damon Garcia
Max Players: 
Registration Deadline: 
Friday, February 28, 2020 - 23:45