No games are scheduled for today

Updated daily at 3PM

CCSoccer: March - April Coed and Mens seasons cancelled

We received a notification from the City today that all fields/parks will remain shut through the end of April.  Given our schedule and the fact that Damon Garcia shuts down for maintenance in May, this effectively cancels our season.  We will leave the website set to "Games Are Off" to help keep things clear.

We had already credited you for this week this morning before getting the notification, so you will see that credit as well as one for the remaining five games.

We will send a notification out once we open registration for the first summer session at Calpoly some time in May.  We look forward to seeing you all out on the fields in June.

-CCSoccer | |

Post to Twitter / Facebook: 
Notify Everybody: 
Include Referees: 
Damon Garcia
Max Players: 
Registration Deadline: 
Friday, February 28, 2020 - 23:45